Our partner company MINIHAUS München has been one of the few large-scale institutions to be involved in “Ökokids – KindertageseinRICHTUNG NACHHALTIGKEIT” [EcoKids Nursery for Sustainability] for five years and is awarded the coveted seal every year. The IKC took part for the first time this year and our project “Minibeasts – on the trail of bees and insects” saw us awarded not just the certificate, but also two ravens. The certificates were presented at Kulturhaus Milbertshofen cultural centre this week.
All eight MINIHAUS nurseries have done it again, too! Four nurseries won two ravens, whilst another four were even awarded three! Only nurseries which are truly committed to the Ökokids project get three ravens.
The aim of the “ÖkoKids – KindertageseinRICHTUNG NACHHALTIGKEIT” [EcoKids – Nursery for Sustainability] project of the Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern e.V. [Bavarian Regional Association for the Protection of Birds] is to raise the environmental awareness of even the youngest children in the crèche and nursery. (ks)